Nurse talking on the telephone, 1937-1959. Image: Karl Alfred Nyström. SLS/Karl Alfred Nyströms fotografisamling

Contact or visit our archive

Summer closure in July

Our customer service and reading room in Helsinki and Vaasa will be closed from 1-31 July 2024.

During this period, it is not possible to order new archival material from the collections. In Helsinki, customers who have ordered material before 24 June can use the reading room independently during the reception’s opening hours by appointment.

The reception in Helsinki and our telephone exchange are open on weekdays throughout July from 9 am to 4 pm (closed for lunch from 11.30 am to 1 pm).

Archive customer service in Helsinki

Opening hours:

Monday–Friday 9.00–16.00
Wednesday 9.00–18.00

Contact details:

+358 9 618 77 230
Ritarikatu 5, entrance from Kirkkokatu 10
Accessible entrance from Ritarikatu 5

Archive customer service in Vaasa

Opening hours:

Tuesday–Thursday 10.00–16.00

Contact details:

+358 6 319 56 00
Kauppapuistikko 23 A, street level
Accessible entrance via the A staircase (call and we will help you)

Exceptional opening hours

The archive closes at 14.00 on the following days:

  • Maundy Thursday    
  • May Day Eve 30 April (if a weekday)
  • The day before Midsummer’s Eve
  • 23 December (if a weekday)
  • 31 December (if a weekday)

Get in touch with us

Do you have questions or do you want to book a seat in the research room? Contact us by email or through Finna’s chat.