Oravainen-based orchestra The Tip Top consisting of Vilho Hemminki, Edvin Nygård and Tauno Björkholm, 1936. Image: Erik Hägglund. SLS/Erik Hägglunds fotosamling

Publish music with The Finland-Swedish Folk Music Institute

You record – we publish!

We publish both traditional and innovative folk music in co-operation with folk music practitioners and musicians. The releases are part of the series Folkmusik från Finlands svenskbygder and are published on several online music services and on CD. We announce the co-operation once a year.

How does the co-operation work?

Before publishing, we make an agreement in which we agree on the publishing process, the size of the edition and the division of responsibilities. We reserve resources for printing costs, graphics, photography, licence fees, distribution, online dissemination and marketing. We also collaborate on the design of the disc cover. 

As a music performer, you are responsible for the costs associated with the recording process and the content of the cover and booklet.

How to apply

Submit your application during the current application period.

You should attach to your application:

  • a demo recording of at least 30 minutes in mp3 format
  • a detailed project description with a release schedule and budget showing the overall financing of the project

What happens to the application?

The editorial board of FMI will process the applications after the deadline. All applicants for publishing co-operation will be notified after the Editorial Board has decided on the next co-operation partner.

Do you have any questions?

Contact producer Niklas Nyqvist