Werna Ulfves at a street café in Taormina, 1967. SLS/Werna och Anders Ulfves arkiv

Logo and name

Our name

What we are called in different languages:

  • Swedish: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland
  • Finnish: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland
  • English: Society of Swedish Literature in Finland
  • German: Schwedische Literaturgesellschaft in Finnland
  • French: Société de la littérature Suédoise de Finlande

Our logo

The SLS logo consists of a symbol (a wreath with the letters SLS in the centre) and associated text.

Use the logo as follows:

  • Depending on the background colour, the logo can be used in colour, black or white.
  • Do not change the shape, spacing or proportions of the logo. 
  • If other logos are included in the material, the SLS logo should be at least the same size as the others.

Do you have any questions about the use of our logo or name?

Contact Head of Communications Marika Mäklin