Alma Lindeberg and Gunnel Åström at Pikkala, 1924-1925. Image: Bernhard Åström. SLS/Veterinär Bernhard Åströms glasplåtsamling

Archive collections

In our collections you can find archival material about life in Swedish in Finland.

The collections include personal and family archives, farm archives, theatre archives, community archives, records on folk culture, naming customs and language, information on intangible cultural heritage and livelihoods, many photographs from different types of environments, and recordings of dialects, folk life, folk music and dance.

The material consists mainly of manuscripts, records, questionnaires, recordings, notes, photographs and maps. The earliest documents are from the 16th century, but the emphasis is on the second half of the 19th century to the present day.

Our archives are subsidised by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

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