Counting operations at merchant Otto Selenius in Oravainen, 1918. Image: Erik Hägglund. SLS/Erik Hägglunds fotosamling


Our activities are made possible by donations from private individuals.

The goal of our asset management is to generate a stable and predictable income to finance operations and distributions. Through a sustainable investment strategy, we aim to achieve a good total return that safeguards the real value of the assets in the long term.

What is the fund capital used for?

We manage assets valued at around EUR 2 billion, consisting of our own funds and those of the Swedish Cultural Foundation. The income is used to finance our activities, grants and prizes, as well as the grants distributed by the Swedish Cultural Foundation.

Our investment policy

The Financial Board is responsible for investment activities and confirms the investment policy. The Financial Board has also confirmed our principles for sustainable investment. The principles describe how factors related to the environment, social responsibility and good governance are taken into account in our investment activities.

Our long-term investment strategy is global and emphasises equity investments. Our equity investments include shares in Finnish and Swedish listed companies, investment funds and investments in unlisted companies through private equity funds. In addition to equity investments, the portfolio consists of real estate and fixed income investments.

Sustainable investment

Our long investment horizon puts us in a good position to invest sustainably across all asset classes. We continuously develop the sustainability of our investment activities and endeavour to be a pioneer in the field.

The objectives of our sustainable investment activities are based on international conventions and global collaboration. We favour investments whose sustainability criteria and practices are in line with our own principles.

SLS is a signatory to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is a member of Finsif (Finland’s Sustainable Investment Forum).