Tähtitorninvuori in Helsinki, 1890-1910. Image: Gustav Sandberg. SLS/Gustav Sandbergs fotografisamling

Mission, vision and strategy

Here you can read about our mission, values, vision and strategy. Together, they form the foundation of our organisation and show us the way forward.

Our mission

The mission of SLS is to collect, preserve and share knowledge about Swedish culture in Finland, to promote domestic research into the Swedish language and literature, and to promote domestic literary activities in Swedish through prizes and grants. SLS owns and manages the Swedish Cultural Foundation and other funds.

Our core values

Knowledge. Quality. Renewal. Diversity.

Our vision

Knowledge and culture for an open and enlightened society.

A changing world

The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland operates in a world marked by rapid change. Global and national challenges such as technological development, geopolitical instability, and social upheavals are reshaping both the cultural and research landscape. The conditions for Swedish in Finland and our two national languages are also affected.

SLS finds itself in a time when old structures are being questioned, and new paths are being formed. The organisation’s role is becoming increasingly important – not only in promoting research and preserving cultural heritage but also in acting as a catalyst for a society that values knowledge and culture.

By funding research and fostering a knowledge-based public discourse, SLS creates the conditions necessary to understand and address the complex issues of our time, contributing to the development of a more open and enlightened society.

Focus areas for the Strategy Period 2025–2028

As global uncertainty increases and the Finnish welfare society faces new challenges, the need for SLS to identify and highlight strategically relevant focus areas grows. At the same time, it is essential to establish clear principles for how we fulfil our mission in a sustainable and responsible manner. Through these principles, we also define our stance on science and cultural policy. This means clearly outlining what actions we will take to achieve our mission in a rapidly changing world, as well as identifying activities we will not undertake or choose to discontinue.

During the strategy period, we work towards our purpose and vision to ensure impact both within and beyond the scientific community. We will continue to invest in initiatives targeting our Finnish-speaking audiences. All our activities are based on long-term and sustainable asset management.

Support and strengthen the humanities and social sciences with a Swedish dimension within the scientific community

Research and science, particularly the humanities, face multiple challenges due to economic uncertainty and shifting attitudes toward science and its role in society. SLS is committed to ensuring that high-quality Swedish-language academic spaces remain open and accessible to all, and that Swedish continues to thrive as an academic language.

By developing attractive funding and collaboration models for research and by supporting and strengthening the humanities and social sciences with a Swedish dimension and Nordic foundation, SLS works to create conditions for leading research with broad impact and long-term societal relevance.

SLS also promotes the digital accessibility of purpose-driven materials, enabling various types of research and increasing the impact of scientific work.

  • We further develop our research funding to enhance its appeal and promote the quality of research.
  • We initiate new funding and collaboration models with research and societal actors to develop sustainable ways of creating knowledge and fostering knowledge-based societal dialogue.
  • We build new networks of researchers and experts who have not previously collaborated with SLS. We actively work towards greater diversity among our experts and the researchers we fund in terms of subjects, academic affiliations, backgrounds, ages, and more.
  • We become a leader in defining, identifying, highlighting, and communicating the impact of research in the humanities and social sciences.
  • We ensure that we are prepared to act in a changing science policy landscape.
  • We contribute to open digital infrastructures and materials, particularly related to Swedish culture and the Swedish language in Finland, while considering AI developments.

SLS’s activities are based on the following principles during the strategy period 2025–2028: 

  • SLS continues to only support activities and use of funds that align with our mission and statutes. As our funding allocation increases, we are prepared to take on greater responsibility and make larger, long-term investments in areas covered by our mission.
  • SLS actively works to maintain and develop mission-driven academic activities through time-limited initiatives and new collaboration models. SLS does not take over the core funding of ongoing academic activities from the public sector.
  • SLS invests in independent research within the humanities and social sciences. We issue both researcher-initiated and targeted calls with clearly defined expectations for impact.

Create broad engagement for an open and enlightened society where Swedish culture and especially literature in Finland is vibrant and appreciated

The relationship between culture and media is evolving as an increasing variety of cultural expressions emerge. Traditional reading is being challenged by factors such as fragmentation and superficial visual content on social media. SLS works to promote a deeper understanding of the significance of culture, cultural heritage, and literature for different target groups, including young people.

SLS aims to enhance knowledge and appreciation of Swedish culture in Finland, with a particular emphasis on literature and cultural heritage. Through this, we seek to promote diversity as well as an open and inclusive Finland-Swedish identity.

Through innovative initiatives and collaborations with actors in the fields of culture, literature, and education, SLS aims to highlight Finland-Swedish literature both in Finland and internationally. Our ambition is to give Swedish literature in Finland a stronger profile and to increase its impact. By working on initiatives such as the popularisation of science, we also seek to contribute to knowledge dissemination and societal dialogue.

  • We create a clear understanding of the role and significance of literature, culture, and cultural heritage for our target groups in a world increasingly shaped by digitalisation and a changing media landscape.
  • We enhance the visibility, accessibility, and appeal of Finland-Swedish literature, culture, and cultural heritage in Finland and the Nordic region through innovative projects, targeted initiatives, and long-term efforts.
  • We promote the popularisation of science, thereby contributing to increased knowledge dissemination.
  • We develop an even clearer profile and position ourselves within the literary field in Finland and Sweden.
  • We continue to invest significantly in the collection and broad digital accessibility of materials related to Swedish culture and the Swedish language in Finland and actively communicate about it.

SLS’s activities are based on the following principles during the strategy period 2025–2028:

  • SLS takes responsibility for ensuring that literature, culture, and cultural heritage in Swedish have broad relevance and reach a wide audience in Finland.
  • SLS’s efforts to promote Swedish culture and literature are also conducted in languages other than Swedish. SLS acts as a bridge between Finnish and Swedish.

Build preparedness and conditions to act in a changing society, particularly regarding the balance between the public and private sectors

The Finnish welfare society faces significant challenges that directly impact SLS’s areas of responsibility. Many of these changes are complex and difficult to predict. The role of the third sector as a funder of activities alongside the public sector is increasing. SLS works to build preparedness and create the conditions necessary to act, particularly regarding the balance between public and private funding. A professional, long-term, and responsible asset management strategy that attracts new donations forms the foundation for continuously expanding efforts.

We aim to strengthen our ability to navigate a changing environment, safeguard our interests, and ensure that our initiatives remain relevant and strategically important for both SLS and society. By collaborating with other actors and exchanging knowledge, we can not only enhance our own preparedness but also contribute to the creation of long-term sustainable structures for research, culture, and Swedish in Finland.

  • We base our operational planning on continuous environmental analysis and strategic risk assessment, covering our entire field of activity.
  • Together with similar organisations, we define what impact and support mean for science and culture, as well as how we evaluate and highlight it.
  • We prioritise activities with impact and are prepared to discontinue initiatives that are no longer relevant or aligned with our strategy.
  • We actively work to attract new donations.

SLS’s activities are based on the following principles during the strategy period 2025–2028: 

  • SLS exchanges knowledge and strengthens the research and cultural sectors in collaboration with other actors in Finland and the Nordic region.
  • SLS takes well-considered risks and acts swiftly, when necessary, without compromising our mission and long-term goals.
  • SLS ensures that its initiatives are strategic and focused, with clear boundaries between our activities and those of the public sector or other organisations.
  • SLS does not take over core funding for ongoing activities from the public sector but is prepared to undertake time-limited initiatives that promote science and culture.

How does SLS work towards its goals for 2025–2028?

Focus on knowledge

We are a knowledge-based organisation that values society’s relationship with information and knowledge, especially at a time when access to reliable information is becoming increasingly important. We support research environments where quality and reliability are central, and we work proactively to counter misinformation.

Active engagement in mission-driven issues

We take an active role in promoting mission-driven issues at a broad societal level. We collaborate with academic institutions, cultural organisations, heritage institutions, funders, and other relevant actors to create visibility and broad impact for initiatives aligned with our mission.

Forward-looking and innovative

We actively support new and innovative ways of thinking about the role of culture and science in society, contributing to an open and enlightened society. We promote new methods for collecting, processing, and disseminating knowledge to better meet the increasing diversity of needs today and in the future.

Long-term and responsible

We are committed to operating sustainably and responsibly, both in our internal activities and in how we manage donated funds. We invest in the well-being and development of our staff while fostering a creative and balanced work environment. Through sustainable investments, we ensure that our resources grow and continue to support our mission far into the future. The foundation of all our activities is responsible and long-term asset management.

Joint initiatives

  • Attractive funding and collaboration models for research

  • Impact of the humanities and social sciences

  • Strengthening the position of the humanities in society

  • Digitalisation and living cultural heritage

  • Deep dive into the role of literature and culture in today’s society

  • Positioning SLS as a prominent promoter of literature

  • Developing methods for continuous environmental and risk analysis