Georg Henrik von Wright washing dishes on board the Daphne, 1948. SLS/Göran Schildts arkiv

Publish a book with us

Do you have a manuscript that fits into our publishing programme?

If you enjoy writing and conducting research in the humanities or social sciences, we are the right publisher for you! We publish academic literature in fields related to history, philosophy, art, music, ethnology, literature, language, and society. We publish print books, e-books and online editions.

In which series does your manuscript fit?

We publish the main series Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (SSLS), SLS Varia and the popular science book series Värt att veta. Read more about our publications here.


Submit your completed manuscript with a cover letter, in which you briefly describe your topic, to Head of Publishing Patricia Berg, Also suggest which series your manuscript would fit into.

Writing instructions

Here you will find practical instructions on how to write notes, bibliography, captions and more. Note that the instructions are available in Swedish only.

Your manuscript will be quality reviewed

Two anonymous reviewers, appointed by our Publishing Committee, assess the scientific level and relevance of the manuscript. They consider whether the materials and methods used are appropriate, the interpretations are well-founded, the arguments are rigorous and the conclusions are justified. The reviewers also comment on the language, style and academic accuracy of the manuscript.

Only completed manuscripts are reviewed. If the author wants the book to be illustrated, an illustration plan must be attached to the manuscript before the review.

The reviewers will either recommend publishing or not and may suggest further processing and additions to the manuscript.

Publication decision

The publishing decision is made by our Publishing Committee. The decision is based on an assessment of the quality of the manuscript and how well it fits our publishing profile, as well as the opinions of the reviewers.

Do you have any questions?

Contact Head of Publishing Patricia Berg